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Performance and experiment in co-authorship in collaboration with Varinia Canto Vila

Naming Fiction is an invitation and an experiment. An invitation to explore ‘fiction’ as a jumping off point, what comes on top of and around ‘fact’, what parades as fact, where can unravelling a line of fact into fiction lead us. Different worlds open up along side one another, spaces are formed and reformed, the line between the existing and non existing is fumbled with.

It is also an invitation to the artists to make a short solo on the other and to be a performer for the other. An experiment in co-authorship with every maker speaking through another body that comes together in 4 tellings.


Digital premiere June 2021 at HochX Theatre

Naming Fiction Photo: Gabriela Neeb
Naming Fiction Photo: Gabriela Neeb
Naming Fiction Photo: Gabriela Neeb
Naming Fiction Photo: Gabriela Neeb
Naming Fiction Photo: Gabriela Neeb
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