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Real. Utopian. Practises. Together. Undoing. Rethinking. Embedded. Systems


from rumpere, to break, to burst, to split, to interrupt and force open. 

A break in concord and peace. Rupture can be negatively connotated, the break in friendly relations, a breach of peace, a ruptured spleen… But when the relations are questionably friendly, are ‘peaceful’ for not everyone and restricting rather than liberating then a rupture is perhaps necessary and welcomed. 

We live within these systems of cis-hetero-patriarchy, white-supremacy, and exclusionary, colonialist, neoliberal, capitalist, humanist and ableist systems and construct them again each day. Practising ruptures seeks to create breaks in these systems, by disrupting through proposing. Each small tear, and interruption affecting the social fabric, we live in asking what stayed systems do we need and want to change?

This is an on going research project that occurs in the studio and in public spaces and happens in dialogue with invited artists. 

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